Friday, December 16, 2016


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01) Rhinitis or coryza[1] is irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Common symptoms are a stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, and post-nasal drip
02) In rhinitis, the inflammation of the mucous membrane is caused by viruses, bacteria, irritants or allergens.
03) The most common kind of rhinitis is allergic rhinitis,[3] which is usually triggered by airborne allergens such as pollen and dander.
04) Allergic rhinitis may cause additional symptoms, such as sneezing and nasal itching, coughing, headache,[5] fatigue, malaise, and cognitive impairment.
05) Rhinitis is very common. Allergic rhinitis is more common in some countries than others; in the United States, about 10%–30% of adults are affected annually
06) Rhinitis is categorized into three types
07) Rhinitis is commonly caused by a viral or bacterial infection, including the common cold, ...
08) Nonallergic rhinitis refers to rhinitis that is not due to an allergy. It was formerly known as vasomotor rhinitis as the cause was thought to be vasodilation caused by an overactive parasympathetic nerve response.
09) In vasomotor rhinitis,[14][15] certain nonspecific stimuli, including changes in environment (temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, or weather), airborne irritants (odors, fumes), dietary factors (spicy food, alcohol), sexual arousal, exercise,[16] and emotional factors trigger rhinitis.[17] There is still much to be learned about this, but it is thought that these non-allergic triggers cause dilation of the blood vessels in the lining of the nose, which results in swelling and drainage.
10) Non-allergic rhinitis can co-exist with allergic rhinitis, and is referred to as "mixed rhinitis."
11)  An estimated 17 million United States citizens have vasomotor rhinitis.
12) Allergic rhinitis or hay fever may follow when an allergen such as pollen, dust, or Balsam of Peru[29] is inhaled by an individual with a sensitized immune system, triggering antibody production. 
13) Many people who were previously diagnosed with nonallergic rhinitis may actually have local allergic rhinitis.

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